Alison Read - Osteopath
About Alison Read
Registered Osteopath BSc(Hons)Ost:
Alison has experience in all aspects of osteopathy with a specialism in Canine Osteopathy. She graduated from the British School of Osteopathy (now know as the University College of Osteopathy) in 2003 with a First Class Honours Degree in Osteopathy and gained the Pathology Award. She is registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and is a member of the Institute of Osteopathy. She completed a Post-graduate Diploma in Animal Osteopathy at the European School of Osteopathy.
Alison treats both human and canine patients in her Forest Row practice and has a primarily human practice in South London.
Prior to 2003, having gained a BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences from Aston University in 1982 followed by a Post Graduate Certificate in Education for FE (PGCE) from Garnet College in 1983, Alison worked as a Biology Lecturer at Waltham Forest College of Further Education in East London for 13 years. After leaving teaching as a career she worked for BTEC (later to become Edexcel) as an Education Advisor for five years. She combines her experience as an educator with
her osteopathic skills to encourage patients’ understanding of their, and/or their pet’s, structural problems.
What is Osteopathy?:
Osteopathy is a therapeutic treatment which works with the body’s structure and how it performs its function. It aims to restore balance within our structure such that our function is optimised, enabling us to reach our full potential. Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical treatments, and is based on
our musculo-skeletal system, which includes bones, ligaments, muscles and connective tissues, functioning smoothly. A body, whether it be human or animal, is better able to cope with the challenges of daily life if it is working to its full potential.
Canine Osteopathy:
The basic principles of Osteopathy apply equally to both humans and animals. By working on a dog’s muscles and joints any imbalances can be corrected thus helping your dog to lead a healthy, full and pain-free life. Osteopaths treat the body as a whole and diagnosis aims to uncover the underlying cause of the problem rather than just focusing on one particular medical condition.
Dogs can only show us that they are suffering by altering either their behaviour or their performance. Sometimes they show us clearly by developing a limp or a change in their gait (how they move), but often the signs are more subtle. They might hesitate to jump onto a sofa or into the car, they might show discomfort with a growl or whimper, or they might just look “out of sorts”. This is the time to act: before the problem has become ingrained and the dog has developed ways of compensating which just compound and confuse the problem.
Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, an Animal Osteopath is required, by law, to gain consent from an animal’s Veterinary Surgeon before proceeding with any examination or treatment.
It is important that prior to visiting Alison you either contact your regular Veterinary Surgeon or Dr Sonya Leggett here at Ziggy’s, for approval to treat. If you wish to contact Alison first to discuss the appropriateness of osteopathic treatment for your dog, then she can be reached on 07817 416 207 or via email at . She can then, if necessary, contact your Veterinary Surgeon for you and gain consent to treat. Alison is available at Ziggy's on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30pm to 5:30pm.